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Integration of Alignet SDK in Android project

To add Alignet SDK in an Android project you should consider the following:

You must have the latest version of the SDK, download here.

The libraries (Payme, SecureKey3DS, VisaSensoryBranding and MastercardSonic) must be added inside the project. The authentication SDK provided by Alignet must also be added. It is recommended to create a libs folder inside the merchant project, this folder should contain the four SDKs delivered by Alignet.

  • The four SDKs must be implemented inside the project. Go to the Gradle of the commerce project and add the four SDKs inside the dependencies section:

dependencies {
implementation files('../libs/SecureKey3DS.aar')
implementation files('../libs/Payme.aar')
implementation files('../libs/VisaSensoryBranding.aar')
implementation files('../libs/MastercardSonic.aar')
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